Back pain - does a saddle chair help?

Back pain and neck pain are usually tension-related conditions caused by sedentary work and incorrect, static sitting positions.

The person sitting in the Humantool Saddle Chair achieves the correct posture by turning their hips - their back and neck straighten.

The movements of the ball effectively relax and activate blood circulation.

There is no blood circulation in the spinal area, which is why small movements of the back muscles are important.

Movement also improves blood circulation and metabolism in the spine.

When on the ball, the pelvis and lower back automatically turn into a good, so-called neutral, upright position. This reduces the load on the back, equalizes the pressure on the intervertebral discs, and relieves any pain. Often, for example, intervertebral disc bulging causes pain, which can be reduced with the help of the Humantool:

Good posture keeps the vertebrae perpendicular to each other, which reduces the pressure on the discs.

Thanks to the saddle-like sitting position and the upright position of the lower back, the neck straightens into an extension of the spine.

The thoracic spine opens, releasing tension in the shoulder area and allowing deeper breathing.

If you have unusual back problems, always check with your doctor to make sure the seat is suitable. In this case, the Humantool Saddle Chair should only be used in small increments, allowing the body to adjust to a healthy, neutral position. Large ranges of motion should be avoided, and simply sitting still is exercise for the body.

Back rehabilitation

The ball is one of the oldest and most widely used back rehabilitation tools, and one of its great features is that it exercises the deep core muscles. Sitting on the Humantool Saddle Chair automatically makes you feel “strong”, which is due to the activation of the real support muscles, or deep muscles. The support network formed by the deep muscles is really important, especially as we age, when the elasticity of a young person’s back is lost. When these small muscles around the spine are activated and thereby strengthened, normal back problems often gradually decrease. Best of all, all we have to do is sit.

Humantool Saddle Chair €169

Try it at home for 2 weeks, free shipping. You can return it at your own expense.