Ergonomic chair - why choose a saddle chair?
A good ergonomic office chair supports your body in the right way to avoid back and neck pain caused by sitting.
Many of us sit for several hours a day, but ergonomics are not always given attention.
Good work ergonomics prevents body pain caused by sitting still.
The more you can also move while sitting, the better. Thanks to its spherical structure, the Humantool saddle chair automatically creates movement for the body.
Ergonomic chair - how to choose the right one
How do you choose the right office chair for you? We are all different sizes, so an adjustable office chair is a good option to get the right proportions for you. Adjusting the seat height is especially important, this way you ensure that your feet get enough support from the ground, which reduces numbness in your legs.
Where do you use your office chair? When working remotely, your office chair needs to fit into your everyday life and fit into your interior. So pay attention to mobility, size and material. We often work at the dining table in our home office, which easily mixes work and leisure. Pack your workstation away at the end of the workday. The Humantool Saddle Chair is so small that you can easily hide it in a cupboard and, best of all, it fits on top of your own chair, so you don't need a separate large office chair.
Checklist for choosing an office chair:
- Pay attention to ergonomics: a good office chair prevents body pain caused by sitting.
- With an adjustable office chair, you can ensure that your proportions are right for you.
- Where do you work? It's a good idea for a work chair to also suit the environment in which it will be used.
- Office chair for home? When working remotely, special attention should be paid to ergonomics. At home, we move less than at the office and the workstation is often not adjustable.
- Remember to move. Sitting still is bad for your back, so move around during the workday and choose a chair that also moves you while you sit.

In a saddle chair, the position is automatically correct
Neck pain and shoulder pain and their associated tension are very common ailments.
They are essentially related to the incorrect, backward position of the pelvis and lower back caused by sitting.
The Humantool Saddle Chair automatically places the pelvis and lower back in a good upright position.
As a result, the load on the neck and shoulder area is reduced.
The tightness and pain will ease within a few days when you sit upright with the help of a saddle.
Correct use of the body is often the most effective medicine for these ailments.
Strengthening deep muscles and controlling the pelvic area is very important for the well-being of the whole body.
Correct sitting position on a saddle chair
However, with the Humantool saddle chair, you always know that you are sitting correctly. Sometimes you may think that your back is in a bad position, but the essential thing is that you can easily straighten your back with your hips. This is difficult to do with a regular office chair. With this movable saddle chair, you always know that you are sitting correctly.
Prevent back problems with better sitting posture
Occupational health pays special attention to the prevention and treatment of back problems. Back problems are one of our most common health problems. Use a saddle chair at work and in your home office when working remotely. The seat is designed so that our backs get the exercise they need on their own. Incorporating movement into sitting is extremely important in addition to good posture. Best of all, all we have to do is sit. Health professionals are happy to recommend the Humantool Saddle Chair.
Humantool products are suitable for everyone
The saddle chair is suitable for men and women, as well as children over 12 years old. It is also a good aid for the elderly and those with limited mobility.
Using a saddle chair requires a little getting used to, often our bodies need time to adapt to changes, even if they are positive. Getting used to a new sitting position is very individual, but there are no restrictions on using a saddle chair. The most important thing is to listen to your body and increase your daily sitting time according to what feels good to you. For example, you can start by sitting for 15 minutes on the first day or sit all day long. Especially when the core muscles have not received enough exercise and your posture is poor, it can take a couple of weeks to get used to it.
Here's how to start using a saddle chair:
- Increase your daily sitting time according to your body's sensations.
- You can easily remove the saddle seat from your chair and continue sitting without it
- Once your body gets used to the new upright sitting position, you can sit in it all day long.
- The position is always correct, the saddle chair brings a little movement to the sitting, so the variation in positions is only good.
- Choose the right height: The Humantool Saddle Chair is available in two different heights. Normal is suitable when the height of your office chair is adjustable, and low is best when the height cannot be adjusted. This ensures that the proportions of the workstation remain ergonomic.
Humantool Saddle Chair €169
Try it at home for 2 weeks, free shipping. You can return it at your own expense.
Let customers speak for us
from 93 reviewsLoistava tuoli, auttaa vaihtamaan asentoa ja ei vie paljoakaan tilaa, suosittelen
Toimii hyvin kotitoimistossa, saa paremman ryhdin ja asennon kuin tavallisella tuolilla. Selkä- ja hartiakivut ovat selkeästi vähentyneet ja kroppa pysyy vetreänä. Kätevää, kun voi siirtää helposti paikasta toiseen tarpeen mukaan.Villa materiaalina on tosi miellyttävä, hieman lämmin mutta toisaalta hengittävä. Tämän kanssa kun istuu työpöydän ääressä, niin ei tule lojuttua pöydän reunalla.
I have always had issues with not being able to engage my core during workouts. After sitting on the humantools saddle stool for the past weeks, I have notices I am able to engage my core more and I have noticed less to no more backpain. It takes some getting used to the first day but I really recommend it.
Aluksi vaati totuttelua, mutta nyt en vaihtaisi pois. Satulatuoli ohjaa automaattisesti istumaan oikein ja tulee korsettikin kuntoon ryhdikkäämmän asennon ansiosta. Alaselän ja niskan seudun kivut ovat vähentyneet selkeästi., Villa on ihana materiaali ja tuolissa on miellyttävä istua. Plussaa myös helpoksi tehdystä tilaamisesta ja nopeasta toimituksesta.
Bought the 'saddle' just before holiday time, so cannot really tell if it solves my back problems for good, but for now it does make my back feel better. Excellent service from the HumanTool employee: I mentioned that I was Dutch, living in Sweden, and I received the instructions in both Swedish and Dutch! Very thoughtful.
Edellinen satula kesti kymmenen vuotta, joten olen satulan vakituinen käyttäjä. Enää en osaisi ilman ollakaan. Kokopäiväinen istuminen työssä helpottuu. Suosittelen lämpimästi!
It's a great product if you suffer from back problems... I've used it only few times and I can still feel a difference. I definitely have less back pains. The key to have no back pains is MOVEMENT. You have to move your back, stretch it, yoga is an amazing back pain "remedy". I've removed one star cause if you put the saddle on a regular chair, you are sited much too high... You have to use an office chair, one that you can adjust the hight. But other than that, fantastic product. I will definitely be using it as soon as I find my office chair ! Thank you humantool !!
Tuote tuntui mukavammalta kuin miltä ensin näytti ja istuminen oli yllättävän helppoa. Itselläni on tasapaino-ongelmia ja tarvitsen joko tukevat sivutuet tai sivusuunnassa kallistumattoman satulan, mutta tämän tuotteen idea ei silloin toimisi. Tässä kun on nimenomaan tarkoitus, että vartalo korjaa asentoa joka suunnassa vahvistaen lihaksistoa. Hieno innovaatio joka tapauksessa.