Horseman's posture

"At first it felt incredible when, while doing office routines on the Humantool saddle chair, I was able to exercise and relax the important muscles needed for riding. I can really warmly recommend this seat to all people who enjoy riding. However, perhaps the greatest benefit comes to the ordinary rider, who by purchasing the Humantool saddle chair gets to experience why so much attention is paid to proper sitting in riding." -Kimmo Sulkala, master riding teacher, professional coach and competitive rider

Benefits of the Humantool saddle chair for the rider:

(Author: Mintti Käkelä nee Rautioaho, professional trainer) The saddle chair strengthens the core muscle support needed by the rider:

  • All riding positions (basic, obstacle and light) require strong core muscle support. If core muscle support is lacking, the rider will have to use the wrong muscles to compensate for the lack of support. This will make the position appear stiff and tense.
  • A rider's stable sitting position requires strong core muscles. Top riders seem to be smoothly following the horse's movements. This is only possible if the rider's core muscle support is strong enough and the rider is able to breathe with the right technique.
  • One of the most challenging aspects of riding is having a good hand, which requires a flexible seat that follows the horse's movements. Without sufficient core strength, this is impossible. Inflexible hands lead to inflexible hips and poor movement quality.
  • In addition, precise timing of the aids used by the rider requires a seat that follows the horse's movements, which is only achieved when the core muscles are sufficiently strong.

The saddle chair guides the pelvis into the correct position.

  • Another important factor in the rider's sitting position is the correct position of the pelvis. The position of the sit bones should be in the saddle so that the spine is in a neutral position. This allows the horse to follow even the broad movements of the horse.
  • A saddle chair can help you work on your body's asymmetry: Sitting crookedly is often caused by many different factors. One reason may be body asymmetry, in which case the rider sits crookedly. This affects the horse's lateral balance.

A saddle chair takes care of your back's well-being:

  • Even small movements while using the seat stimulate blood and lymph circulation in the structures of the back.

  • Experts recommend a saddle chair for the prevention and treatment of back problems.

  • This also helps those suffering from neck and shoulder pain.

  • The saddle chair is also suitable for supporting other sports that require core strength and control, such as golf, martial arts, skiing, downhill skiing and dancing.

Deep core muscles to work when riding:

The core of everything is the position of the pelvis, which allows us to stay in the rhythm of the horse's movements. In order to maintain a functional pelvic position, we should get the deep support muscles to work in the right order. With the help of equestrian Pilates, I learned how to activate the deep support muscles to work in the right order in the rhythm of breathing, starting from the bottom: 1. the pelvic floor muscles, 2. the core muscles and finally, the 3rd abdominal muscles, which are so important for riders. In this regard, it is really useful to go to Pilates classes, where the muscles are called upon to work without a horse. Legs and buttocks easily become a problem: The rotation of the legs into the so-called internal rotation weakens the maintenance of the pelvic position, so we should make sure that the legs remain in external rotation. In other words, squeezing the knees together causes internal rotation of the leg. The buttocks should remain relaxed, even if we use the leg in external rotation. It is easy to open the leg by tensing the gluteal muscles, but now we need to get the muscles in the back area to work. With the Humantool saddle chair, good posture is gradually embedded in the muscle memory. And then: A healthy, well-being, balanced and cooperative horse is really nice to ride. The more difficult the horse is to balance, the more difficult it is to practice its own sitting blocks. A good seat helps the horse to have better balance, and a horse that moves in good balance helps the rider to sit better.

Humantool Saddle Chair €169

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