Do you sit a lot? Do you work remotely from home? The Humantool Saddle Chair can be added on top of any chair. You will experience a new posture and active sitting position.

New posture now!

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Proven health benefits

Good posture: The saddle makes it easier to maintain posture without constant concentration. This reduces muscle tension in the neck, shoulders, and back.

Deep muscles: Using ball as a balancing exercise, it activates the deep core muscles of the back and maintains posture. This way we get rid of traditional back problems.

The ball is the world's oldest back care tool.

Customer Reviews

Based on 93 reviews
Jennie Garland
Excellent seat, the BEST!

I have had one for 13 years and it goes everywhere with me, I have Fibromyalgia and this seat means I can sit anywhere as it takes the pressure off the back of my legs and I have great posture when using it. I recently purchased another one and the whole shopping on the website process was easy, plus the shipping from Finland to Australia was super fast. A wonderful product and a wonderful easy shopping experience.

Erittäin hyvä tuote !

Nimenomaan se, että tuolin saa mukaansa alustan kera joka paikkaan, tekee tuotteesta oivallisen. Minulla on käytössä matala versio, mutta sekin tuntuu tuovan aivan riittävästi liikettä alustaan.

Mummi 67
Ainoa "apuväline" mikä käytössä joka päivä

Joka päivä käytössä n.15 min ajan,ja lisäksi silloin kun selkä on kipeä. Ensimmäisen Humantool satulatuolin ostin joltain messuilta n. 13v sitten ja olut käytössä siitä saakka päivittäin kipeän selän vuoksi. Nyt oli kuitenkin aika hankkia uusi kun vanha mennyt rikki "alapohjasta", eikä enää oma korjaus auttanut pelastamaan hyvää "palvelijaa"

Kokeiltuani tuotetta ostin sen joululahjaksi etätyötä paljon tekeville nuorille. Tuolia oppii nop...

Hyvä, kiva väline . Sopii niin työhön kuin kotiin vapaa-ajalle. Jopa jääkiekkopelin seuraaminen onnistuu hyvin tällä istuimella.

Etäpäivien pelastus

Teen harvoin töitä kotona, ja etäpäivät ovat yleensä olleet aika tuskaa selkäongelmien vuoksi. En ole halunnut panostaa esim. kunnon työtuoliin tai sähköpöytään, koska en halua minkäänlaista muistutusta töistä kotona. Olen nyt tehnyt pari viikkoa etätöitä, ja Humantoolin satulatuolin ansiosta nämä viikot ovat menneet kivuttomasti. Suuri kiitos teille!

Well-being in everyday life

The constant desire and effort to improve people's everyday living conditions has given rise to numerous useful innovations for homes and offices. Finnish craftsmanship and high-quality materials guarantee a satisfied user.


Humantool Saddle Chair easily fits on top of your own chair. It is easy to move from chair to chair and takes up little storage space. The saddle chair is suitable for use on almost all chairs. The saddle chair can be used on top of an office chair or in a home office to improve the ergonomics of remote work.

  • Ergonomic office chair for home or office
  • Your back needs good posture and movement while sitting.
  • A saddle chair teaches good and upright sitting posture
  • By rotating the pelvis, the lower back straightens, which also straightens the upper back and neck.
  • This is how to relieve common neck pain, shoulder pain or back pain
  • Posture improves as the pelvis learns and strengthens to a new and more upright position
  • Saddle chair for men, women and children over 12 years old
  • An excellent aid also for the elderly or those with limited mobility
  • The Humantool Saddle Chair is an affordable solution for improving the ergonomics of your office chair; the price of a traditional saddle chair is often quite high.
  • Get used to using the saddle chair by increasing your daily sitting time according to your own feelings.

Order for trial use

We want you to always be satisfied with your purchase, so you can order a product, try it out for about 2 weeks, and if you are not satisfied, you can return the product.

Physical well-being through movement

Over 40 years of experience as a health product developer and cooperation with Finnish health professionals has given perspective and knowledge about the functions and needs of the human body. To counterbalance the Western lifestyle, we need movement and exercise for our bodies - Humantool products support and activate our body's natural functions, such as maintaining movement in the structures of the back.