The Humantool saddle chair is ideal for use with Pilates - Pilates movements are easier and feel good when sitting on a saddle. It is always great to meet yoga and Pilates fans at various events, as our common interest is the human body, which is ingeniously equipped with its attractive functions and yet only very few people understand well.
Usually, people in this field recognize the deep muscles as soon as they sit on the Humantool saddle chair for the first time, while the rest of us have to find these hidden muscles step by step. If these muscles are activated, they will strengthen over time. The more often and regularly you use the Humantool saddle chair, the faster you will see results. Many back problems are alleviated by regular use of the saddle. Only a few Pilates fans have back problems – their muscles support a potentially weak spine.
Pilates fans strive for the same thing as we do at Humantool – natural and correct use of the body. Strengthening the deep muscles and taking care of the pelvis are very important for the well-being of the whole body. If a neutral position is found, tension is immediately released and deep, relaxing breathing can be learned.
In the Humantool saddle chair, it is easier to experience the present moment. Concentration and patience are not disturbed by problematic body positions. When the body is still, the mind also finds balance more easily and gradually finds mental clarity. Concentration at work and in meetings improves; innovations and interaction are found more easily. When the neck is blocked, the brain does not receive enough blood and nutrients, and it does not function properly.
The Humantool saddle chair can also be used in meetings and group work.
Humantool exercise instructions
Your Humantool saddle comes with specially designed exercise instructions. Wisely used breaks with seated exercises are good for the body and mind. These gentle Pilates-like movements work well throughout the day. You can also do bigger Zumba-like movements during work. Stretching exercises, e.g. in the lower back area, are easy to do with the saddle.
The body loves movement!